It's Been The Biggest Displeasure To Meet You

The people that have been in my life, are in my life, and I hope will be in my life, are people that have a life outlook bigger than themselves.

They are kind people that look to others with love and a helpful perspective. "How can I help?", "Oh, let me do that for you", or just do stuff without asking.

No-one is perfect, sometimes we all have selfish moments, but the base is always there.

These are the people that have been in my life, exclusively when I rack my memory.

Until I met you.

You are the most selfish, petty, inward, "me" / "I" focused human being I have ever had the misfortune to meet. Of course it's down to me to shift you out of my life, not a problem, and I won't think of you, miss you, or worry about you. You, of course, will do all that self centered thinking with the tiny 'me focussed' brain space you survive inside.

Good luck, you will be a lonely person forever wondering why no-one has ever stuck with you. Actually, no, you'll never wonder that, that would give you the skill of understanding and being empathetic with someone else.  You will exist locked inside your personal mind room for ever.


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