The Right Poem For You

It's true that, "If you don't like poetry it just means you haven't found the right poem yet." (#26 of 100 Things I Know).

I heard that phrase from Gyles Brandreth, a lover of all poems since for ever, although he may be merely passing it on.

Even though I do love some Dylan Thomas, a little bit of Kublai Khan, and a Shakespeare sonnet I don't really know any poems.

Some are absolute bollocks.

Most are fine but meh.

A handful are inner world changing.

My top 3 poems as I write this are:

  1. Do not go gentle into that good night, Dylan Thomas
  2. Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley
  3. I thought I saw Jesus
    on a tram.
    I said "Are you Jesus?''
    He replied "Yes I am''

    by Spike Milligan

I hope to change that by learning two lines a day of something from The 32 Most Iconic Poems in the English Language.

I'm gonna start with ... Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickinson.

Blue shades of the upper South Island mountains from a plane


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