Reykjavik, A Government City

Like most capital cities Reykjavik has it's fair share of street art, especially murals which will be coming in the next few days.

Óþekkti embættismaðurinn (Magnús Tómasson, 1993) was my first and I love it having seen so many similar scenes back in Wellington.

The Unknown Bureaucrat / Óþekkti embættismaðurinn statue, Reykjavik (Iceland) is a two meter high sculpture made of bronze and basalt. The work is both figurative and abstract, as the upper part of the work is purely a piece of cloth, while the lower part is a replica of the body of an official in appropriate clothing, i.e. suit with briefcase in hand. The official seems relatively relaxed, with one hand in his pocket, despite having the burdens and responsibilities of the world on his shoulders.


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