Masturbation And Le Clitoris

History as it was never taught in school.

This animated short looks back at the surprising story of our relationship with masturbation—and its repression—from prehistory to today. From the Magical Caresses animated documentary series, in which Lori Malépart-Traversy takes a playful and uninhibited look at solo sexuality - Directed by Lori Malépart-Traversy - 2022 | 4 min

The clitoris is the only organ in the human body dedicated exclusively for pleasure! [Ed: unfortunately not true as per QI] In this humorous and instructive animated documentary, find out its unrecognized anatomy and its unknown herstory.

Technique : gouache on paper / 2D digital | 3 min
Graduation film, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University (Montreal, Canada)
© Lori Malépart-Traversy 2016
Original music by Eliazer Kramer


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