5 Bronze Rabbitwoman And Dogman Stories

Quirky, brilliantly detailed, storied, and straight into my heart, went these gorgeous bronze statues from Gillie and Marc on The Queen's Walk.
Collage of 5 photos each containing a different bronze statue (titles in blog post). 1: A stylised rabbit woman plays a flute on a the back of a tortoise. 2: Anthropomorphic dog, rabbit, and horse (arms in the air) riding a scooter. 3: Dog man and rabbit woman hold up a rhino. 4: Rabbit woman and an elephant sitting on a bench. Rabbitwoman holds a coffee mug and is reading a book. 5: Dogman sits on the floor cross legged and opposite him over a chess board is a rhino playing against him.


  1. Love the titles at least as much as the statues!


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