How To Kill Public Services

I can't remember where I found this, but YES!

UK is well along the road but not done deal, if you recognise the history, the constant messaging, the obvious end point, it can be stopped.

Aotearoa New Zealand, ooooh, you've had the first of the dominoes tip over but it's so obvious it can't ... yes this is where it ends up.

Graphic: Dominoes tipping over ever larger dominoes. 1: Reduce the budget of public services. 2: Elimination of positions in public services, because the budget has been reduced. 3: Complain about the decline in quality and efficiency of public services. 4: Claim that the degradation of public services is proof of government inefficiency and so privatization is needed.

  1. Reduce the budget of public services.
  2. Elimination of positions in public services, because the budget has been reduced.
  3. Complain about the decline in quality and efficiency of public services.
  4. Claim that the degradation of public services is proof of government inefficiency and so privatisation is needed.


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