BNZ Card Lost

Walking through Wellingtontownland today I dropped my BNZ Flexi Debit Visa card out of my pocket somewhere between chore 2 and chore 3. Despite a full investigation back along the route, no sign of it.

It's annoying when a bank card goes missing eh, cancelling the damn thing, not having access to money until a new one arrives.

Well, that was my initial thought until I went into the BNZ app.

Oh, I can stop the physical card being used and yet keep the PayWave on my phone + watch working until a replacement one appears in 2 days time.
Screenshot of BNZ card options in their mobile app
Bloody awesome work BNZ!

Of course I will, once the new one arrives, have the delightful pleasure of amending all of the online services I use with the new card. However it also gives me a clean sheet and anything that holds the old card will no longer work and that'll help clear out the dross.


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