Anxiety Sweats

I've noticed (!) recently that I'm really really hot when meeting work people for workshops and the like. 

I'm not nervous, well not feeling it in the ways I used to, squiggly tummy, slightly damp palms, and a lot of pacing around. I'm seemingly fine and dandy.

And yet my head sweats like a freak, to the degree that my hair is dripping wet.

After an hour or so and into it I've forgotten all about it and the sweating stops.

I thought it was maybe illness, the body working hard to fight something off. Or maybe it was just hot and I need my haircut coz it can be a wooly hat sometimes.

But you know what, I think it's anxiety sweats. Meeting people, being around actual physical people.

Or I need my haircut again 😁

Portrait of Mike at work


  1. Get a bloody haircut. Simple.

  2. Haha wooly hat 😂

  3. Ha ha ha, funny

  4. Turns out I just needed a haircut - Mike


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