British Scandal podcast

A recent addition to the podcast listening and I wasn't really thinking the British Scandal podcast would be my cup of tea coz, well, it had the whiff of "true life crime podcast" and there are too many of them but none on my subscription list.

But Alice Levine is very engaging. Matt Forde I've listened to for a long time and have always have had a good time. Oh, go on then, just one story and then I'll be done ... I think I'll start with The Profumo Affair as I think I know what that was all about, but maybe not really.

OMG. How cool is this podcast ... very!

So the British Scandal podcast deal: choose a British scandal, one of our two hosts becomes the narrator of the story over 4 or 5 episodes, the other asks all the questions YOU would want to ask and gasps alongside you at the latest story twist. It's like a very engaging documentary for your ears with the final episode an interview with someone deeply connected to the whole shenanigans.

My brother will love this podcast.
Rob, you will LOVE this podcast!



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