Bletchley Park podcast

Human stories are the best. 

The Bletchley Park podcast has been on my list for a long time with its combination of human stories and old tech amongst a time of massive emergency (that the right term for World War II?).

It's not one I listen to all the time but, like most podcasts on my list, I find gold in each episode when I dive on in. It's probably one for a specific type of person but really, give it a whirl as you will learn something and get a good sense of what it was like to be working in a place that wasn't just top secret to those outside but each inner cog was a world unto themselves.

Bletchley Park podcast

One day I will actually get to visit ... one day, when the world isn't full of virus, they are allowed to re-open, and planes are allowed to fly hither and thither.


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