The Man Who Didn't Fly

One of my feeds suggested The Man Who Didn't Fly as worthy of a read and being a sucker for a good crime novel I was in.

The author, Margot Bennett, has a glorious turn of phrase, an almost modern feel despite being published in 1955.

People fall in love and they die, and no amount of poetic advice has ever helped them to do either of those things more successfully.  They are interested in love for a few years, and later they are afraid of death. But they are always interested in money. Everyone, everywhere is interested in money all the time. There’s never been an age when people agreed so heartily to be interested all at once in the same thing. They’re crazy about money, even if it’s only to buy a bar of chocolate or a diamond necklace.

She also has a wicked humour placed in the mouths of her characters. 


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