Mr. Cholmondley-Warner IRL

I'm sure you've seen the Harry Enfield sketches in which Mr. Cholmondley-Warner and his manservant Greyson parody 1930/40s English public improvement films by asking you to "Look At It This Way" and "Look Listen & Take Heed". Just the titles give you a hint at how it all goes, "The Working Class", "A short film about that Mr Hitler", "The Conjugal Rights Guide", and my favourite, "Women: Know Your Limits!"

Imagine my ... delight ... horror ... and jaw drop, when this was served up by the machines, an actual in real life "Mr. Cholmondley-Warner" with a 1940s 'instructional film'. It's, well, it's quite something and the aggressive approach from the 'teacher' will have your eyebrows raised.

How To Improve Immigrants' English (1940s Instructional Film) [HD]. Originally called '48 Paddington Street', British Pathe issued this as a cinema newsreel in the 1940s, although it was produced by 'British Instructional Films Ltd'


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