[Updated] We're Spending Their Money

My notes from a James Shaw (Green Party co-leader, NZ MP - @JamesPEShaw) speech-ette I've just heard ...

We're taking 2 17 decades of discretionary money from future generations to spend on getting us though the current #COVID19nz.

This is money that future generations WON'T have to help them get through their own crises.

We do however already know a lot of the crises they will face, #ClimateChange, #Housing, shrinking #biodiversity ...

Some of the current spend is spent on the now only, ie the wage subsidy, there's nothing in this that will help directly with the future crises.

However, much of the rest we are spending for now can also tackle future crises. We take their $ and spend on resolving their crises not just our own.

But where, this is the choice WE have. We need to make the calls now for them as well.
James Shaw, Greens MP and a coincidental NZ High Commission slogan
James Shaw, Greens MP and a coincidental NZ High Commission slogan

[Update] Seems it's SEVENTEEN years of spending not two.


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