We're Not #StayHomeNZ However ...

We're not #StayHomeNZ* and yet low level background stress is now a common part of my life. Seems to be prevalent amongst my friends and across the country as a whole - how are you doing?

@MicheleACourt seems to be thinking similar, “Lockdown II – The Resurgence” and Self-Care:

Binge watching this second series is a new kind of exhausting, and I’m having to work harder to look after myself – no more Covid-19 Drinking Games at three in the afternoon for starters. In case it helps anyone else, this is the stuff I’m doing now to dial down my anxiety, and to make me feel safe. Lots of it will be specific to me, but it might resonate with you. Almost none of it costs money, and most of it can be done at Level 3 Lockdown.

I wholeheartedly recommend you read the full article, it will help.

It was with this in mind, and knowing that my happy place is sharing information, I updated my COVID19 in NZ page and added Michèles page to the FREE things to do online document.

A small and specific thing that makes me happy and calms my mind, thanks Michèle. I shall be taking note of more in the future but right now I gotta go and do my daily photo :)

Sliding one handed

* we're not out of the woods completely and even at the country-wide freedoms of Level 1 we are aware of a mythical burning world outside our borders which we can hear about but not visit.


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