#Lockdown Coastal Walkway, Good Friday 2020

Took an extended walk today around the #BreakerBay* corner and a little along the Coastal Walkway** Was so good to be out in the glorious weather but solo bubble walking isn't the same, can't wait to perambulate*** with someone else outside my bubble.

Popped a few in this post but most are inside the photo album:
https://photos.app.goo.gl/Wo6yzwbLJcgmdxgs7 (incl. some fancy wave slow mo breaking)


* Breaker Bay as both a Twitter account (https://twitter.com/BreakerBay) and an Instagram one (https://www.instagram.com/breaker.bay/)

** seems the Wellington City Council don't know about the Coastal Walkway, not on their listings: https://wellington.govt.nz/recreation/enjoy-the-outdoors/walks-and-walkways

*** my use of the fancy word CANNOT be justified, dick! 


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