I'm a "get in amongst it" sort of fella. When I have a passion for something there's little that stops me rolling up my sleeves and trying my damnedest to make it happen. I wanted New Zealand to benefit from the "cloud" back in 2007, so I started a company, WaveAdept , to do just that. I wanted to help share Kiwi tech, media, and startup stories so together with Raj Khushal I started a podcast, Access Granted . I wanted* Wellington's tech community to get out of its false silos so I started the #WellyTech annual celebration events . I want an open society where the truth isn't opinion, reckons, or lies so I've been a long time active member of the open government, usually focused upon ‘open data’. I want everyone to have a say in how events are run, and products are created and so started Hack Miramar , brought GovHack over from Australia, and facilitated many unconferences . A friend of mine once 'warned' someone, as they th...