My Photos From Across The Ages

Public albums covering everything from #animals, #rugby, and #statues to views of #Miramar, #Hobbiton, and #Mongolia.
A collection of photos that I post daily, read more at my blog post, "How A Daily Photo Keeps Me Sane"
I have many (many many) more Wellington views
Albums of NZ photos from Hobbiton, South Island, top of the North Island, you name it there's a photo in there for you.
Animals, plants, insects, and fish - they're all here in their most awesome glory.
From street art and statues to signs and posters that caught my eye.

Views of the world

Mostly the UK or Australia but the some wild exotic places hidden amongst them.


From rugby matches, gigs, school fairs, movies, #WellyTech and many more on the 'Events' page. What can I say, there's something for everyone to like.


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