I'm In The Market For A New Home

Either this side of Christmas or by the middle of January 2020 I'm looking to be moving into a new #Wellington home.

I would be ever so grateful if you could let me know of anything AND/OR pass this around your friends and work colleagues - the best places come via word of mouth.

So, what would be the perfect place? Here's my "must haves" and "would be amazing if it also had" list of items - everything is up for grabs, but "must haves" will take a fair amount of convincing for me to change/drop.

Must haves:
  • Long term rent
  • 3 bedrooms, at least 1 sizeable
  • Within 10 mins of a bus stop
  • Not Karori
  • Quiet - either well insulated or away from the party zones
  • Anywhere in Wellington out to Khandallah but no further
  • Fibre Internet access
  • Free car parking
Would be fabulous if it had:
  • Dog-friendly
  • Off street parking
  • A view of the sea/harbour, the city, or both
  • An afternoon/evening sun soaked deck
  • A patch of grass to call my own
  • Sociable neighbours
  • In Northland, Brooklyn, Wilton, or Kelburn is my preference
  • Not really looking at the Eastern suburbs but ...
I'll be bringing furniture, some whiteware, and personal items (bookcases, TV, and the like).

To let me know you have the place for me drop me an email, mike.riversdale@gmail.com

If you don't know of anything, fair enough, but can I ask you to pass this on to:
  • Mates
  • Work colleagues
  • Work Intranet, Slack, Chat, etc ...
  • Friendly estate agents you know and love


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