Mike Meets The Mayors

Today, thanks to the "very down to earth" (Mr14's description) Justin Lester, Mayor of Wellington City, (@justin_lester) I ticked off a bucket list item that has had me giggling for over a year.

First, the backstory.
Back in 1986, or maybe 1991, I was working at St Ivel, a butter/yogurt company in headquartered in Swindon (UK). For some reason that is now lost in the mists of my mind the then Mayor of Swindon* paid a visit to the St Ivel offices and there is a glorious photo of my showing him and Lady Mayoress (together with Nigel and ... the other woman I worked with) how my extravagant 20MB PC would green-screen into the mainframe and run EPS programs ... or was it the wonders of Lotus 1-2-3.

My olds boss, Lorie, recalled she was thinking, "Just don't say anything inappropriate Mike, please!" - some things never change eh :)

Fast forward 30 years and I'm in Wellington (NZ) and that black-and-white photo pops up into my life! I immediately tweet the recently elected Mayor, Justin, "Any chance we can re-create this photo please?". But then we all had a shake and life got busy for everyone, especially Justin.

But today, we finally got around to taking that photo. Myself and Justin taking our appropriate roles together with Liz and Jack standing in for my ex-work colleagues.

There's a whole stack more photos ... but I'll leave you with these, Justin's idea, not mine BUT it did all fit me very well ... hmmmm ...

Again, THANK YOU JUSTIN for your time you're a good man helping me tick off my silly adventure, thanks to Melissa for taking the photos and thanks to Liz and Jack for getting up early and coming with me to be stand ins for a slightly bonkers photo.

* If anyone can tell me the name of the Swindon Mayor in that photo I would be extremely grateful


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