Miramar Town Centre Upgrade - Newsletter 8,17 June 2013

The latest from Big Kev, the WCC Project Manager :)

If you want to get the official weekly update email (which is copy-pasted below), and I heartily recommend it, then 'subscribe' by sending an email to miramar@wcc.govt.nz

Project home: http://wellington.govt.nz/your-council/projects/miramar

What happened last week
The focus was on basecourse preparation, boxing and installation of steel reinforcement for the new car park, and other features such as the new tree pit surrounds along the Miramar Avenue edge.  Concrete was poured to complete the base for the pedestrian ramp connecting the footpath on either side of the new car park entrance. 
We also began installing strata cells in the newly formed tree pits.  When filled with soil these fulfil the dual role of providing a passage for tree roots while at the same time helping to support the hard surface that will be laid over them.  
In addition we commenced the final stage of new stormwater drainage construction in the northern part of the site.
What’s happening this week 
The last of the new stormwater drainage will be completed.
Boxing and installation of steel reinforcement has fallen behind so we are not as far forward with pouring concrete as we had hoped.  It represents more efficient use of manpower and equipment resources to do this over larger rather than smaller areas so we are planning on hitting this hard later this week.  However, the weather is not promising to be kind to us so I need to sound a note of caution that our timeline may need to be pushed out if it is considered too wet to do this. 
Bus (Tram) shelter
 I said last week that we were planning on pouring the new floor slab for the bus shelter.  This has not happened.  Following an assessment made with the assistance of a heritage specialist, we have established that one corner of the shelter has slumped by approximately 70cms over its lifetime.  Given the age of some of the timbers, we need to consider carefully whether and how we should attempt to reinstate the shelter to the correct level without damaging the “bones” of the structure.   
I will update you further when we have a clear plan for the work to be undertaken to help maintain the heritage aspects of the shelter.

Give me a call
Feel free to give me a call on either of the numbers below or email me if you want to query any aspect of the upgrade project.

Kevin Murphy
Project Manager
Wellington City Council
Tel 801 3448 or 021 227 8761.

And that's it from Kev for this week, what follows is me.

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