Miramar Town Centre Upgrade – Newsletter 5, 24 May 2013

Just to make it very clear, what follows is NOT WRITTEN BY ME. I am NOT the project manager of the Miramar Town Centre Upgrade, that role is taken up by Kevin Murphy (kevin.murphy@wcc.govt.nz), someone I have never met but is doing an admirable job keeping us all up to date on the goings on via weekly emails that I am merely copy-pasting onto this blog. If you want to get the email yourself, and I heartily recommend it, then 'subscribe' by sending an email to miramar@wcc.govt.nz

Project home: http://wellington.govt.nz/your-council/projects/miramar

And so, on to this weeks update ...

What’s happened this week
Hawkins Construction has completed the installation of new kerb and channel along the Miramar Avenue and Park Road edges and laid new asphalt to blend in with the existing road surface.  Considering the difficulties involved in managing traffic while this work was being undertaken, the whole operation ran very smoothly. The contractor and I would like to thank drivers and pedestrians for their cooperation and patience while this work took place.

It has been a hive of activity behind the perimeter fence.  More stormwater drainage has been installed and Hawkins has commenced breaking up the existing road surface to prepare the area for the new car park.

What’s happening next week
A major focus will be the setting out of what will become the entrance to the new car park off Miramar Avenue.  Weather permitting we anticipate the sub-base and concrete will be laid to form the raised pedestrian platform connecting the footpath on either side.

As this work will mean the footpath will temporarily need to be diverted on to the road, we ask people to take care when walking along the Miramar Avenue edge.  Please watch out for the diversion signs and follow any verbal directions of site personnel.  

Work will also start on forming the outline and base of the new car park.

A request
This week we suffered our first incident of vandalism, with traffic cones being removed and strewn around the area.  While this may be a simple case of late night hi jinx, such vandalism compromises traffic and pedestrian safety.  Also someone climbed over the fence and stole some scrap copper from the work site.

The contractor will be adopting precautionary measures around storing materials but it is not possible to make the site more secure than it already is.  We ask that people report any unusual or suspicious after hours activity around the site to the Police.  

Give me a call
Feel free to give me a call on either of the numbers below or email me if you want to query any aspect of the upgrade project.

Kevin Murphy
Project Manager
Wellington City Council
Tel 801 3448 or 021 227 8761.

This part is me, Mike ... also check out my own "Best of Miramar" map with all the shops, restaurants, site seeing and attractions you'll ever need


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