2 To Pop Into Your Diary

Worser Bay School Quiz Night - Tuesday 22nd May, 7:30pm at Gasworks
I. Challenge. You!
Tickets are on sale now - ‘first in - best dressed’ and we only have 100 tickets on sale! So, get your team of six quizzers together ......if you don't have a team already, don't worry. We will sort you into a team.

It will be loads of fun, a chance to meet other parents and enjoy some time away from the children! Make a night of it - book a babysitter, it's close and you won't be too late home ...on a 'school night'! Buy a ticket by either from the school office or by internet (Worser Bay Home & School - 06 0513 0304691 00 - Ref: Quiz)

Worser Bay School Fair 2012 - Sunday 28th October
You know it's always sunny, fun and full of goodies - photos of 2009 | 2010 | 2011


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