This Makes Me Incredibly Sad And Angry
Stuff (the online version of a lot of the New Zealand newspapers) has a headline, " Parents asked to cover $3m deficit ", which in itself I wouldn't have really taken a lot of notice of. BUT, it popped into view via my Google Reader and specifically through my Google News 'miramar' feed - so this is local to me. It was immediately local when I clicked open to see the head teacher Amanda smiling up at me ... this was MY kid's kindy they're talking about - FUCK! In a nutshell it seems that the Government has cut $4million from the Kindergarten budget which would need to be made up somewhere else. That won't happen (IMHO). And so the prosepect of the Miramar Central Kindy shutting is now all too real. This is the kindy that gave both Jack and Meg the BEST (and I cannot stress how forcefully I typed "BEST" - "B E S T", you getting this?) ... the BEST start to their school life anyone could have hoped for. Amanda and her team work in...