Picture Books Every Household Should Have

Drafts, the scourge of all writers - the scraps, that great ideas that faded away ... well, this post was exactly one of those. And now that the kids are growing out of picture books I think it deserves to see the light.

Also this is a blog post (originally dated 17th Aug 2008) that would probably be a tweet or a Facebook status update ... it's just a link to a great posting from the National Library, So What’s Your Choice Picture Book?

Picture books rock, introduce books/reading to kids and, despite the lack of response to their post (or do comments fade away over time, I hope not), it's still a great question - what's the best picture book?

My vote would go to one of the following:
So, what's yours?

Oh, and check out the awesome Thirteen ways to raise a nonreader as seen at the Kilbirnie Children's Bookstore

But none of these would be on the list ;-)


  1. have you seen the wonderful film they made from the Gruffalo?
    it was just wonderful

  2. We haven't seen it but it's now on the library list to get out, thanks Sue

  3. dude you better get a pen.

    on my list would be anything by:

    nick sharrat
    pamela allen,
    deborah miland
    or jan ormerod.

    awesome children's writers.


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