Is It "New and Improved" - NO!

Google News has changed and some like it, some don't. What I can tell you though that it is not "new" AND "improved" because YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT! You listening Barbara (or whoever it was that wrote the headline to your article) - "Google News: Yes, it's new, but is it improved?" ???

Do not fear though both TradeMe and Yahoo! have fallen into this age old trap.

BTW: I am willing to have my logic tested on this one because, at a pinch you could get away with this IF you think the full headline could read, "Google News: Yes, this version of Google News is a new product, but is it an improvement on the previous Google News product that is no longer used". In essence are we talking about two completely separate services/products ... but then, it's not really is it, it's just an upgrade to Google News and in that case you can't say it (because it's not new, we've had it before).



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