Victory Book Launch And Signing At The Weta Cave

There is something VERY cool about the steampunk genre* and those fine folk at Weta totally get it! In fact they get it so much that they're young kids TV programme, WotWots, is infused with it's feel. And it seems the driving force behind all this is a fellow by the name of Greg Broadmore with his award wining (should be if it's not yet) Dr Grorbort and the fantastical "laser guns". Grorbort seems to be very much like Sir Harry Paget Flashman from the awesome series by George MacDonald Fraser.
And it seems Greg is releasing a new book with the glorious title of VICTORY - Scientific Adventure Violence for Young Men and Literate Women, wonderful.

Welcome to the most politically incorrect of colonial uchroniae, where Lord Cockswain and his cronies wreak jolly havoc and merry mayhem. Travel to far planets, walk wide horizons under myriad moons, encounter exotic life forms - and blow them to bits, then atomize what's left. A fine occupation for a gentleman, with obnoxious pipe smoke to boot. There are few heroes of the caliber of Lord Cockswain (caliber .977, that is - the Recoilless Longstock Nitro Defacer, from Misdemeanor, his favourite)."
John Howe - Artist

So, pop along to the launch at The Weta Cave (1 Weka St, Miramar, Wellington) and get to shake the creative hand of Greg Broadmore:
  • First Chance: Friday 20 Nov: 3.45pm - 5.30pm
  • Second Chance: Sunday 22 Nov: 2.30pm - 4.30pm

* hmmm, I think there's a need for an outlet to service this and related genres - watch this space ...


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