Inspiring Adventure In Honour Of Mum

From a good mate who's Mum died a few months ago ...

Hi my dears,

I am forwarding a request from my little sister Jenny.
I am so proud because she has never been out of the country and she and her husband don't have much money. This is the kind of thing Mum always wanted to do so she is doing it in memory of her.

Jenny is registered to go on very special trip to Nepal in November with Save The children. This was one of the charities that Mum supported for a very long time. As it is a fundraising adventure she has to meet certain fundraising milestones and then is part of a group visiting Nepalese villages and also spending time helping build a classroom. She will be away 13 days.

I am giving her money toward her travel costs and if you are interested in sponsoring her even for $5 and supporting Save the Chn then all the details are in the attachment.

Thanks everyone
Lots of love

> I've set up a web page at
> Come support me as I participate in Nepal Trek Challenge in an effort to raise funds for Save the Children New Zealand.
> Spread the word - please forward this email to your email address book so that the Save the Children New Zealand really benefits from my efforts.
> Thank you,


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