Craft 2.0 Workshops - Save Money And Learn To Make Kick Ass Christmas Pressies

I need say no more than, read this from the Craft2.0 site:

What: Craft, Coffee and Cupcakes
Date:November 15th 2008
Time: this workshop starts at 10.30am and finises around 2pm
Where: TheNewDowse
Why: During this workshop you learn how to Recycle Records into Bags and Boxes, get to drink beautiful coffee from Cafe Reka and also also enjoy some cupcakes while crafting

You'll Up-cycle vinyl into a new look as you create a stunning bag from vintage fabric and vinyl records.
Then transform a record cover into some cute gift boxes this workshop runs from 10.30am till 2pm with a break in between for coffee and cupcakes

Project 1: stitch your way to a shoulder bag with 2 vinyl records and some great vintage fabrics
Project 2: convert the covers of those vinyl records into a gift box, the perfect craft to learn in time for Christmas

Learn a new skill in a short time.
Relax in a fun, friendly atmosphere.
Take home 2 craft items made by you, and full instructions to try again at home on your own
Still trying to decided well consider this you get to feel great about making the world a better place by crafting with recycled material and did we mention the cupcakes and coffee

The skills you learn at this workshop give you a great launching pad to a world of craftyness.
All materials, coffee and cupcakes included in the price of the workshop
The cost of this work shop is $60


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