NZ Political Debate (Clark vs Key), TVNZ + YouTube

You may already have seen the announcement earlier in the year or on Geekzone that TVNZ are partnering with Google/YouTube to run the debate between the incumbent, Helen Clark, and the pretender to the throne, John Key on Tuesday 14th October.

Where to go:

And in true "get involved" style it's not just streaming the debate via YouTube but also them wanting you to ask your questions:
As the 2008 general election campaign heats up, the official ONE News YouTube Election Debate, between Helen Clark and John Key, will be broadcast live on TV ONE on Tuesday, October 14th.


All you have to do is create a short video (no more than 30 seconds) and submit it here.


I also like the list of subscriptions that the "debate" is subscribed to:

MaoriParty / Videos: 20

nzlp / Videos: 5

NZNats / Videos: 243

nzgreenparty / Videos: 66

NZFirst / Videos: 13

unitedfututure / Videos:

citizentube / Videos: 102

TVNewZealand / Videos: 294

IVoteNZ / Videos: 6


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