Christchurch ... Safe Community ... Who'd Have Thought

Wow ... and there's me thinking it's one of the roughest places I've ever lived in.
Last time I went there I was punched for walking down the street ... middle of the CBD.

Anywho, International Safe Community think differently.


  1. I was surprised as well... I was in Christchurch a couple of weekends ago with several friends who reported multiple incidents of minor aggression. I think the report must have been bought.

  2. From the article:
    Who are Safe Communities in New Zealand?

    The following communities/cities have been Safe Community accredited in New Zealand:

    • New Plymouth
    • North Shore City
    • Porirua
    • Tauranga
    • Waitakere
    • Waimakariri
    • Wellington
    • Whangarei

    Christchurch is the largest New Zealand city to be awarded Safe Community accreditation and will be only the second Safe Community in the South Island. The other is neighbouring Waimakariri District.

    I thought Wellington was larger than Christchurch? How did Porirua get it? Why not Dunedin? Or do cities need to request these certificates?

  3. apparently it not whether your city is actually safe
    but all the policy and programmes you have dreamt up intended to make it safe
    how dumb

  4. My friend was beaten up when he lived in Christchurch - in his own back garden. All because he told some skinheads to stop throwing beer bottles into his garden.


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