Accomodation in Rotorua, Any Recommendations?

The family (2 adults, 2 kids) are off to Rotorua for a long weekend end of November and would love recommendations.

Looking for something that's something like this:
  • own kitchen
  • two bedrooms
  • view of something nice (the lake?)
  • not too far out of town
  • "oldee worldee" (think luxurious ;-)
  • not cost an absolute fortune
  • avaialable 27th-30th November
Anything, anyone?
If so, drop me an email


  1. lake views are expensive
    but there is this place
    on the road to Auckland about a block away from the park whch has it's own thermal pools (3 or 4 i think)

    this means
    - the main swimming pools are in walking distance
    - the park is obviously walking distance
    - you don't have to pay to go to the hot pools (which is super expensive)
    - it didn't used to be very expensive

    but i can't remember it's name

  2. Thanks Sue, totally appreciate that - we think we tracked down the one you meant (but I've now forgotten it's name :-)


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