What a morning!?!

As you may know I look after Jack and Meg on Thursdays.

Alert! Well deserved Fronde plug follows ...
I work at a forward thinking, accommodating and flexible work place with the majority of people behaving in line with the values and not just paying lip service, it's a pleasure and a breath of fresh air!

Aaaanywho - this morning I'd rather have been at work.

7:30am: Get up with Meg
8am: Brekkie, dress Meg
8:30am-ish: Get Jack up, brekkie (such as he has) and dress
9am: Liz is off to work (after having a phone session already - this girl works hard let me tell you)

Plan for the day, 10am drop Carol off at the airport, 10:30am swimming, back for a light lunch and Jack at Kindy for 12:45pm whilst Meg sleeps for ages and I get to do some work, play on the PC, read books etc etc

Reality ...

9:15am: Liz return - no buses running, power cut
9:20am: All in car, drop off Carol a wee bit early
9:50am: Drop off Liz at her work place
10am: At Swim School ... 30 mins to kill
11am: Finish swimming, into car
11:05am: Dump car at the top of Tory Street as it's making a hell of a noise from one wheel (sounds like metal on metal) and is causing strangers to turn and gawp
11:06am: AAAAAAAGH! In rush to leave at 9:20am have left money and phone at home.
11:07am: Breath out

.... Don't forget I have 2 hungry kids and 1 that's due for a nap - tired kids = unhappy SCREAMING kids.

11:08am: Plan decide. Walk to Te Papa, use their phone (please, please please) to call Liz. She will be both avaialble and willing to assist.
11:40am: Arrive Te Papa. Survival mode kicked in for all 3 about 10 minutes ago.
11:41am: Liz is coming - savior!!!
12pm: Liz arrives. I go back to find the lunch box which I think I left at the Te Papa coats-n-hats. It's there.
12:01pm: Discover I am an uncle and Jack/Meg have a new cousin.
12:15pm: Jack, Meg and I in cab.

12:35pm: Home. Jack reticint about going to Kindy (in a loud, stampy and quite annoying manner). Bribery ensues.
12:45pm: Push Meg in pram and carry Jack on shoulders. Drop Jack off at Kindy. Rushes to his mates as if I don't exists ... [sigh]
12:46pm: Meg asleep
12:15pm: Finish shopping for dinner party tonight.

... I'm off for a glass of wine! No time, Liz just called, need to find local garages and txt her the details ... 40 mins before we pick up Jack from Kindy ... wine will have to wait

Car at garage (probably brakes buggered), dinner a success (Mandarin Chicken with Vegetable Rice followed by a guest delivered Tiramisu), wine drunk, work book read, Jim's urgent project finished and wife about to be cuddled and snuggled into ... enjoy the rest of the night/day.

And don't forget, my brothers boy was born on this day - Happy Birthday Ben!


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