mini-Webstock, my thoughts

Loved the mini-Webstock last night and looking forward to many many more - thoughts in short form as my fingers are cold ...

Great to meet fellow bloggers.
Awesome to meet Sandi and her partner Brenda.

Wellington "Web 2.0" is a small community.
The community is vibrant, inclusive, fun and looking to do great things.
Active creativity is the key phrase I invented about it.

The Second Life preso by Leigh Black all opened my eyes and I now know about virtual hand gliding, flying phallus, getting drunk virtually and how it COULD be.
My summary - Second Life has potential, it's a closed room full of some very strange people, you need a guide to start you off, it has a far richer interaction than other online environments, it's amazing how much effort people have spent 'building' things. Once it includes/interacts with the wider Web it'll be quite something. Oh, and there's some very strange goings on with colourful characters in it.
Leigh is a passionate educator and I am grateful to him and his for the vibrancy he brings to my kids learning

Robert's Firefox 3 talk was enlightening to me in many ways, particularly the vision of Mozilla, the amazing coding happening in Auckland and the challenges ahead.
He wants people to join him and his team of 2 for great coding, $'s and changing the world.

The debate was funny as, especially Mike Browns - "Web 2.0 is a conspiracy by the letter 'r'"

All in all I was impressed by the whole shebang.


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