TWTWTW*, the best of MiramarMike, 1st-6th May, 2007

This week was a wee bit 'work' focussed with the top article being When Google rules the Web what will you do? which lead to me standing up in the wee hours giving a Toastmasters speech about its theories. Most commented article echoed Jim Donovan's challenge to businesses to truly honour their corporate values.

I did ask whether I should split the blog into two - yes and no came back the resounding whisper. So I shan't.

As for the masses of feeds I read the following shared items (to the right) are the most useful and relevant one week later (limiting myself to 10) - enjoy:
  1. Taxi driver delighted with new one-way road system
  2. Tana Umaga says Goodbye to the Hurricanes
  3. Dreamworks wins bidding war for The Lovely Bones
  4. Alan Moore on Idea vs Plot
  5. 22% of people sleep with their phone
  6. Putting the "I" back in IT
  7. Perfect Explanation of RSS — Engaging Video Tutorial
  8. First time boaties
  9. Who says we need our logo on every slide?
  10. Why Invest in Social Features for Your Web Site?

Photos uploaded for the week included a Tuppaware 'party' (don't ask), Jack's building but mostly loads from our weekend in Martinborough.
Here is a lovely one of Liz and Jack near Ata Rangi followed by a stunning Boatshed photo from my Flickr feed:

And finally, EyeWitness to History [history] is the top site added to my bookmarks

* TWTWTW = That Was The Week That Was. Named after a 1960's British satirical TV programme [BBC | Wikipedia]


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