Virtual Super 14 - MiramarMike is BACK IN the competition

[Updated] Oh! So I've obviously signed up twice! When, who knows - how, who cares. So one of me is back in the competition

A MiramarMike progress:
Week 3 - points for the week 26, total 73, position 52,278 up 15,230 places
Week 2 - points for the week 13, total 47, position 67,508, dropped 63,009 places
Week 1 - points for the week 34, total 34, position 4,499, --

I thought it was a wee bit weird! I kept receiving the, "You've not done your picks" emails, even though I had. The picks seemed to be correct but somehow subtly different. Even when I emailed myself my picks my point tally didn't quite tally with my memory.

And now this:
We didn't get your picks for Miramar Mike this week, and you've already used your two chances for default picks. There's still plenty of time left to pick up the points you need. The Hurricanes are showing promise and so is Miramar Mike. You scored 0 points this week bringing your total score to 49 points.

But I did ... and people watched me do it.
And so, I'm gonna take my virtual ball and go home! Shame. Better next next year Telecom.

After one week MiramarMike actually doing better than normal ... this can change very quickly!

Week 2 - points for the week 13, total 47, position 67,508, dropped 63,009 places
Week 1 - points for the week 34, total 34, position 4,499, --


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