About MiramarMike [Updated]

[Updated] I no longer keep this page up to date as I now use my Google Profile

The blog is used to evangelise about websites d'jour, quirky pieces of information on the Web and to get things that intrigue/bother me out of my head. Oh, and I suggest you check out this blogs policies and copyright.

Personal interests include: Enterprise 2.0 (see work blog), rugby, laughing and generally living life to it's absolute fullest.

How to get in touch

There also many other online ways to connect with me
The best and most simple is to leave a comment on this blog!

Getting and staying connected with Mike
I have a web presence that's quite large with me posting, Twittering and connecting using all the social networking sites. Check out the complete list of social network site I use ....

I use FriendFeed (RSS) to draw all these strings together into one place.

Other places I write
I am also a proud contributor to the following:

Misc malarkey about Miramar Mike


"Life's too short to drink bad wine" - Winston Churchill?


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