All Blacks, 419 Scam and, "Stop that bloody phone!"

Fritz's Wieners: productsStuff from today for you ... I hope it pleases and delights.

All Blacks - prediction 1: large good win against France this weekend followed up by a big win against Wales next weekend (despite Wales' walkover of Canada this morning). Prediction 2: All comments will, once first prediction eventuates, focus on, "Have the All Blacks peaked to early" ... it is already starting. The answer is no.

Rugby World Cup, 2011 (NZ) - will run between September and October. The final will be in Auckland. The final will be in a stadium. I won't be in the stadium and therefore I'm not bothered which one it is. Having said that I am impressed by the passion and "let's make it iconic" of the Waka Stadium dude, Jonathan Gunson.

Nigerian scam emails - nice site and we've been hearing a lot about it in the past week or so as newspapers repeat the same bloody article and the site master appeared on National Radio this morning. Still, good work fella.

Spicy wieners (sausage to you and me) - had a cracker from Fritz's Wieners (Bavarian style) at the Christchurch Arts Centre last weekend - give it a go!

And that's it, off to pick up the car we're using to drive us all up to Wellington and onto the ferry this coming Wednesday ...


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