The world as you've never seen it before

[9-Nov-2024: all images are no more]

These maps are totally amazing and, as they say themselves, Worldmapper: The world as you've never seen it before

They do some clever mapping "blowing up like a balloon" malarkey using the political map of the world using statistics - here's an explanation of what and how.

Why? Well, it casts a light on how things truly are with the world, who's gets all the royalties, where the tourists go, who owns the the most tractors, who makes the worlds toys, who uses the most fuel, veggies or electronics etc etc.

They're picture so it's best to see them and not for me to try and explain.

Here's a few examples (click to see the originals in glorious big size). The first set are the net immigration (that's countries that have people coming into them - I am an immigrant into New Zealand) and emigration (I'm an emigrant from the UK).

How about these two, cigarette imports and exports

Oh, oh, how's these, computer exports and imports

There's so many (132) others - check 'em out their Map Index or Map Categories
You can also subscribe to their RSS update feed when they bring out new maps.

Oh (totally unrelated), if I had all the money in England (as she probably does) this is exactly what I would do - on Lizzie!


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