Life online: There is an unfortunate and nasty downside

Having put up all my photo's on Flickr I very quickly noted a nasty side of the world entering my life. There were a few pictures of Jack that had him running around with his willy out - welllll, when you're nearly three (17th) it doesn't matter quite as much as it does for you and I. There were also a few photo's of various mates and family that were showing off the bodies to the fullest, nearly all weren't naked but some involved swimsuits, towels or other assorted "just coverages".

Flickr has thought of this - you might not want to show everyone everything. They therefore let you set privacy levels for a photo - Public, Visible to friends, Visible to family, or Private.
(the friends and family are those Flickr members you add to your contacts and tag appropriately).

These privacy levels can be set before you upload photos and I generally tried to limit those photos with willy's in view or of others that I thought were not my call to share with the world (swimsuits and the like) to the appropriate privacy level. I didn't always get it quite right at first.

And that's where I noticed the seedier side of life approaching me and mine. A photo of Jack in the bath quickly (within minutes) became the most viewed - this was quickly set to private. A few of my sis-in-law were "favorited" by collectors of "photo's to wank over" (I suspect) and even someone "favourited" some mates to add to their "ugly people" collection.


Luckily Flickr gives me the tools to handle it and I blocked those that were just creating vast collections of women (generally). I already had the "don't allow non-Friends/Family to download" option set which was good.

These quick measures (all done in the space of a few minutes) seems to have cut the nasty people off at the source and nothing else seems to have gone nasty on me ... but it was a lesson to be learnt. Whilst we have our names are all over Flickr (and this blog) I will be ensuring that it will be extremely difficult (I can't ever say 100% impossible) to actually find us in real life - no-one that needs to know would need to resort to find me via the Web!

(the picture is to try and put me in a better mood after having to write this)


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