Tom has found THE Wellington Martini palace

For those of you that don't know Tom over at WellUrban you need to know that amongst his regular posting about the ever evolving cityscape he also runs a wee challenge to name a Mystery Bar.

He not only puts up strange angled photo's and a few words around ambience (full of hints and clues) but includes a wee Martini review. This gives us an indication of the bar staff's abilities.

Well, this week he has stumbled across a real cracker! It was so bad it has circled right round into good. I believe it should be on everybody's after work route. Maybe out of town visitors should have it pointed out to them as a place to visit ... once.

Of course I have no idea where you can get a Martini a la Tom but keep an eye on the WellUrban: Mystery bar number 30 page and once it's revealed storm in. Be aware, booking may be advisable.


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