Maps of where we're moving to - Monmouth, Wales, UK

I'm learning that not everyone knows where Monmouth is ... or Wales.
And the question, "When are you going to England?" is still annoying as we're off to the UK which is made up of Britain (England together with the Kingdom's of Wales and Scotland) plus Northern Ireland.

So, here's where we'll be initially living with Derek and Betty.
You and I live on this world and the UK is in Europe (politically) and just off the European mainland with Wales(the "pigs head") to the left of England:


Monmouth is, unsurprisingly, within the Monmouthshire County although it's not the county town, Cwmbran is. In my day the country was called Gwent but this is now only a "ceremonial name".


The places that I think are big enough to have the choice of jobs are in a circle around Monmouth - Hereford, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Bristol, Cwmbran, Abergavenny, Newport or Cardiff

So now you know where we'll be going (Google Map UK for all the details)

Thanks to World Atlas, Data Wales and for the maps


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