List of '10 UK entertainment leviathons' - where are they now?

If you remember more than one you're um, you're, I dunno, of a certain age from a certain country that used to watch TV?

List courtesy of the mega hilarious UK nostalgia site, TV Cream. And I let them do the introductions:
Creamup remembers Ten Light Entertainment Leviathons now sadly left at the side of the Saturday night telly road

Nobody watching could ever quite understand why, but it used to be a matter of law that any light entertainment show had to be bisected by the appearance of some upmarket cabaret act or other. If you were expecting a full forty-five minutes of laughs from Corbett and Barker, Eric and Ern or even Little and Large, it was tough luck. Mainly because Little and Large were barely capable of delivering forty five seconds of laughs to begin with, but also because countless hours had to be given over to Elaine Paige, Barbara Dickson, The Betty Fox Babes, The Mike Sammes Singers, or whoever had been block-booked for that run.
And so, the list
Did it take you back, can you smell your dinner being cooked, was the house all cozie, do you remember complaining because you had to go to bed ...


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