My mate is a star and should plant his handprint

Image hosted by Photobucket.comI so hope Adam gets this through as it's an awesome idea! Jackson's handprint wanted for 'Avenue of Stars', found via KongIsKing.
An "Avenue of Stars" – complete with film director Peter Jackson's handprint – is one suggestion from Wellingtonians on how to spend a $1 million bequest to beautify the city.

Wellington City Council has received 98 submissions on how to spend the money, funded by the Plimmer Bequest. The fund was last used for the award winning Oriental Bay beach development in 2003.

The star-studded avenue, envisaged along the waterfront between Frank Kitts Park and Te Papa, would feature handprints of famous Kiwi personalities similar to the movie stars' walk of fame in Hollywood, the submitter said.

"You could also have overseas stars leave their mark. Get Peter Jackson to open it with his being the first star."

Submitters' identities are kept secret but their proposals can be inspected.

Oops, oh well I'm sure Adam won't mind ... do you?


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