I am this close to becoming a Kiwi

On Monday 15th August some time after 6:30pm I, alongside a bunch of others including my mate Karen, will become Kiwi's. Oh yes, the ceremony date has been set and the party is planned.

What will happen?

Well, according to the official pieces of paper I've been sent around 6pm I, with my "2 friends or family members" (in my case Liz/Jack and Adam) will settle ourselves into Wellington Town Hall awaiting the "official party to enter the Council Chambers" which will include Her Worship the Mayor Ms Kerry Prendergast. Man, what a title - and I don't mean 'what a title' as in 'wow, what a lot of words', more along, 'what the hell does it mean' - who is worshiping her, and why?

I now she'll be there as she will "formally address the candidates", which is nice.

Notice how I'm still a candidate even though the Minister of Immigration has OK'ed my application :-)

Oh, and I won't be seated with my 2 "friends or family members" "candidates are seated separately from their guests" - very happy that I'll know someone there (Karen) otherwise it might be a tad lonely.

We'll then all stand proud, give an oath of allegiance or, as in my case, say an Affirmation of Allegiance (the former involves a Bible or other such Holy book - not for me):
I (your name) solemnly and sincerely affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of New Zealand, Her heirs and successors according to the law, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of New Zealand and fulfill my duties as a New Zealand citizen.
And then we, the candidates, troop up one at a time to "stand in front of the Mayor to receive their Certificate of Citizenship".

At that moment I become a Kiwi and can utilise the enclosed form to get a passport - still can't work out if it'll cost me anything.

And then .. and then, the party will begin!
First round of drinks on me at [bar to be decided] for anyone and everyone that can claim to have some knowledge of me!


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