Week 20, exciting times ahead

This is also NOT Liz
It's been one heck of a week. We now know (80% and all that) that we are having a wee girl and the whole naming conundrum has been resolved.

Liz has been feeling her (so cool to be able to say "her" - or "him", but it's "her"), feeling her kick and move around for the past week or so. There's even been times when, if I'd been fast enough, I could have seen the weird Alien-esque bump moving around - more opportunities will come in the future I know.

Liz has, now and again, felt a little vomitous but is generally in fine fettle. We're off out Friday for a celebration (of baby and other stuff) and so she's back to how she used to be - a lush like her husband!

And we're gearing up to tell Jack all about Meg. We've been telling him that there's a baby in Mum's tum or a while but I'm not sure how he's taken it. He now calls Mum 'baba" so he might have got them both as one entity.

We've named the baby for Jack and he now knows where Meg is.

I think it'll be one of my main jobs (not soley mine, but a main job) to be there for Jack during the pregnancy and make sure he's happy, knows what he needs to know and isn't feeling left out in anyway. It's a hard road though as ... well, what does a 2-year-old need to know? Too much and it'll be overpowering and even a bit scary.

Advice for those that have been through it is always most welcome.

(other Megan Hannah postings)


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