Pimping the Blog (tm)

Here's all the blog referral, lists, blogrolls and other such nonsense I've signed up to to try and draw people to the blog ... but the best way is to get yourself on national TV.


Well, the obvious tool being used is Blogger - it hosts and powers everything you read.

A free and extremely easy to use store for all the pictures I use on the blog.

Turn your blog into any standard news-feed to be syndicated out to others that want to read my articles.

Podcasting the blog letting anybody hear (in MP3) my writings.

Counts loads of stuff as people surf around the blog

Directories, search engines and the like

Locates your blog (or any website) in the real world and lists those near you.

Is my Blog HOT or NOT?
An opportunity to have people visit the site from others. I think the current rating is 9.x with around 25+ voters.

Links my blog with others, allows ratings and let's people discover me.

A Yahoo! "directory" approach to finding blogs and therefore me.

Listed on Blogwise
A "bot" approach to putting you blog content onto their 'portal' and linking to me.

Another 'portal' for blogs. Not a bad attempt this and probably the most used by me.

Search over blogs for - much like Google does for the web. Nice interface and very easy to find me.

A blog link exchange. Not actually sure how it works so it's probably not referring that many people to me.

Another directory listing/search site for blogs that allow you to stumble across me.

A directory listing of blogs with photo's. Very nice interface and one of the best referrers to me.

The best 'portal' offering bringing together the latest postings from your favourite bloggers, including me.


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