A quiet day at the office

Not doing much today after the hell that was yesterday. I've added a whole stag of blog-links and I think we're basically done with the set-up of the site.

So, trawling the www I found this amazing story about the Auckland Welsh Club bringing out Welsh child sufering from cancer for the Lions tour - brilliant work and double thmbs up to all involved. If you think you can help out visit their Website: http://ww.aucklandwelsh.com

Also had a look for some Welsh girls names (well, you just never know when it mught come in handy ... ;-)

Oops, gotta meting to go to - and then it's the Ministry-wide (Wellington based people) Chrosdtmas Do here in the building. Will be a lot quieter than the ITS "end-of-year briefing" and alcohol free for me ...


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