Best Online Recipe Site

In the olden days we had a collection of cook books, scraps of handwritten recipes stuffed in, and a handful ripped out pages from magazines.

Google Gemini created image: Create an image of recipes scattered in a table in a home kitchen, included ripped out magazine pages, hand written recipes, and cooking books

These days it's electronic.

We have a collection of cooking websites, scraps of typed in notes stuffed between to do lists, YouTube videos bookmarked, and a handful of screenshots from Facebook.

We never got better we just spaffed it all over the Internet.

Then along came Cooked.

Cooked is a new(ish) site that takes any recipe off any website, handwritten notes, even YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok cookery videos and turns them into actual recipes saved under your free account.

How's this for ease, find a recipe in your browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) - if you want, give this one a go, copy the following and paste it into your browser.

You've got your recipe page up, looks good eh, right let's pop it into Cooked.

Edit the web address you pasted into the address bar. Go to the very front, right at the very front, in front of the http part and add ""

You should have something looking like this (using the example from above):

Hit go / tap enter, or whatever your browser needs to get you to this new page. 

Screenshot: Cooked website generating a recipe

After some machine malarkey you'll have a beautifully prepared recipe that you can save to your new account.

Screenshot: Cooked website recipe

You can then add ingredients to a shopping list, swap between Imperial and metric, change serving numbers, tap the steps as you cook to see what is needed, have it read out to you, or even download as a PDF (for some reason).

Of course, this is the Internet and if you wanna share your recipes you can, or keep them private, it's up to you.


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