We Are The Mainstream

Mural in Ōtaki by local artist Hōhepa "The Hori" Thompson (Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa, Toa Rangatira and Ngāi Tahu).
[..] at an exhibition that he did with artist Tame Iti (Tūhoe) where, Thompson says, a media reporter revealed his lack of cultural awareness. “I could tell Tame wasn’t vibing with the guy. At the end the journalist said, ‘it’s great to get these Māowry stories into mainstream media’. Tame then turned to him and said, ‘We are the mainstream’. That’s always stuck with me,” says Thompson.
Collage: 3 photos with sections of Hōhepa 'The Hori' Thompson's 'We Are The Mainstream' mural in Õtaki (NZ)


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