Time Team Is Back

There were many shows that helped me through the trials of 2020 and the old shows that Time Team put up on YouTube was very much amongst them.

Time Team (v1) finished in 2014 after a massively successful 20 years on UK TV. They then popped up their official YouTube channel and started uploading old episodes every week - was such a warm and duvet moment to snuggle in and watch the latest release, especially those with Mick and Phil.

I was obviously not the only one doing this as quite quickly the creator of Time Team started popping in talking about how they were thinking of reviving the show. And then there was a Patreon page. And then there were announcements of targets being met. And then it was all on. Old faces signed back up, new faces were introduced, and suddenly Time Team is back!

They are digging and if you're a Patreon person you get to see it live, vote on where to put a trench, and much more. I'm not a Patreon peron so imagine my surprise to see the following pop up on YouTube (and there's more already) - it made me smile deep down inside, and even cheer a little.

My only question ... why isn't Phil Harding amongst them?


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